The Dropship Unlocked Podcast

How To Find PREMIUM Dropshipping Suppliers (Episode 81)

Lewis Smith & James Eardley Season 1 Episode 81

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🗣In this episode of the Dropship Unlocked Podcast, hosts Lewis Smith and James Eardley dive into the crucial topic of how to find premium dropshipping suppliers. 

By the end of this episode, you'll know exactly how to identify suppliers that can significantly boost your business's growth.

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Topics Discussed:

★ Importance of Supplier Quality: Ensures customer satisfaction with faster shipping and better product quality. Maintains brand reputation and reduces issues like returns and complaints.

★ Distinguishing Premium Suppliers: Reliability, high-quality products, and better customer support. Premium suppliers do not advertise themselves as dropshipping suppliers.

★ Benefits of Premium Suppliers: Higher profit margins from higher prices. Customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

★ Finding Premium Suppliers: Choose your niche and research direct competitors. Attend trade shows and build strong relationships with suppliers.


Links and Resources Mentioned:

Pick up a copy of Lewis’ book: 

Get Shopify for £1 a month for 3 months: 

Get a free trial with a professional phone line: 


Key Takeaways:

★ Focus on Quality: Quality suppliers lead to better customer satisfaction and brand reputation.

★ Reliability and Support: Premium suppliers provide consistent delivery times and better support.

★ Higher Profit Margins: Premium suppliers allow for higher pricing and increased profit margins.

★ Research and Relationships: Thorough research and strong supplier relationships are crucial for long-term success.



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That's what's going to build your long term success in this business. It's something that is exponential in terms of the growth you can have with a business involving that it all just falls apart. The growth that we can see as a business when you've got these type of suppliers is completely incomparable to the previous dropshipping business model. Whilst that can be worth doing one tip that's really helped a lot of our members in the masterclass is to. Welcome to the dropship unlocked Podcast. I'm Louis Smith, the founder of dropship unlocked and with me is our Client Success Coach James Eardley. Now, when we're not recording the podcast episodes, we're running our own e commerce businesses and helping aspiring entrepreneurs village their own high ticket dropshipping businesses keen to build your own six or even seven figure business. My book the home turf advantage is your blueprint for launching a profitable online store. Grab your copy at H T A To date, and let's get you started. Now sit back, relax. And let's unlock your potential with the dropship unlocked Podcast. Today we're diving into a crucial topic that is essential for anyone looking to dropship today, how to find premium drop shipping suppliers. By the end of this video, you'll know exactly how to find the Drop Shipping suppliers that can cause significant growth for your business in a short period of time. We'll discuss firstly, why it's so important to find great quality suppliers today, how to distinguish between good and bad suppliers, and the exact process that we both use to find the best suppliers in any niche. So Lewis firstly, why is supplier quality so essential in drop shipping? While it's fundamental for a successful drop shipping business, really, because I think I guess the first reason is customer satisfaction. That's the obvious one, high quality suppliers just ensure that you get faster shipping times and better quality products out to customers, which then leads to happier customers for you as a business owner, which if you extrapolate that and think well what does what a happier customers mean? Well, it means better reviews, it means better word of mouth recommendations referrals, which then means other people find out about you trust your store more and then are willing to purchase from you. So it means ultimately more sales, more revenue and more profit for you as well. So it's this great positive feedback cycle. But it all starts from having those high quality suppliers from the outset. The other thing is brand reputation for you as well. So reliable suppliers can help you maintain your brand's reputation, which is really important when you're a first time business owner. If you haven't had a brand before, that's something that you want to really try to protect. Now, when customers know that they can trust your store for high quality products, they're more likely to return, they're more likely to recommend you, you know, and it's usually wherever you live, if you imagine and if you need to get your car fixed. For example, there's usually like a local mechanic that everyone goes to even though there might be a few around, there's usually one that people in your family or your friends kind of use. And once you find that good mechanic, you tend to stick with them. And you'll tell other friends and when a friend says hey, my car's broken down, who should I go to I've just moved to the area, you say, Well, this is the one we use, right and you recommend them because you've had a good experience. So then your friend goes and uses them has a good experience. And then when their friends asked them and their family asked them, they also recommend that same service. And so with that high quality service, word quickly gets around. And so it's the same with our stores, if we can look to sign reputable and premium suppliers, it gives a great and positive experience of your brand that then other people experienced as well and can pass on and so the cycle continues. So those are the two main things. I think the other considerations are the quality suppliers also reduced the number of issues that you'll have to deal with as a business owner, so less headaches for you. Things like returns and complaints. I'm not saying you're not going to get them they're inevitable in any business, right? You will at some point have a customer where something goes wrong, but allowing you're like having suppliers that allow you to kind of send that return product back to them easily and no it's kind of no questions asked, they'll happily do it if there's something wrong in some of our suppliers will even arrange the collection of the product for the customer. So it's literally no hassle at all to the customer completely takes out that element of stress for you as a business owner. And it means that your time as a business owner is now freed up to spend back on growing your business on building it and working on the business not being caught up in the business putting out fires all the time. So it's exactly why we emphasize finding the right suppliers in week two of our masterclass and then later on in week four we talk about how to actually sign them about what to say to them how to how to approach them. But it just ensures that you have a really strong foundation for your business right from the start, because that makes all the difference in this business model. It certainly does. I mean, the more mature I get with my dropshipping businesses, the more I realize that your business will live and die by the quality of the suppliers that you have. Now, with a drop shipping business, we are asking our suppliers to deliver the products directly to our customers. So we don't have as much control over the product quality. Whereas you might have, if you saw the products, yourself, we had some sort of quality control that you did as a business before the customer, the products went out to the customers. So with drop shipping, it's absolutely crucial that we're signing high quality suppliers, because they are the ones that are going to control ultimately, the quality of the products that goes out to the customers. And as you said, in terms of customer satisfaction, it's something that is exponential in terms of the growth you can have with a business, if you can get word of mouth going out about the business. So you can't shy away from making sure we've got good quality products that customers are happy with. And it's gonna give you a lot less headaches as a business owner as well. The other thing to touch on, when we sign really high quality suppliers, they've already got a great brand name, and they've got demand for their brand already, when we sign these suppliers with a brand name already, and we've demand where people are really looking to buy these products, we can jump on the back of that straightaway. We can add the suppliers products to our store and benefit from the demand that's already out there for these premium suppliers. So makes a lot of sense to really focus on signing high quality suppliers from the start, but avoid all the headaches of signing poor quality suppliers. But how Louis, do we actually distinguish suppliers? Because they're not all made equally? How do we distinguish the premium suppliers from a budget supplier? Yeah, so there's a bit of research to do. And there are some key differences that you'll learn to spot as you go through this business model. And you run one of these businesses. And the first thing is that it's not obvious that they dropship. So they don't necessarily advertise themselves as drop shipping suppliers. They're not necessarily looking for dropshippers. So us in this case is the retailers specifically to work with the the thing that premium suppliers offer, are usually things like consistent delivery times consistent stock levels, like well managed support, while budgets suppliers, it can be a bit hit and miss, sometimes they have items, sometimes they won't, sometimes they'll make go out, you know, the next day, sometimes it might take three or four days. And it's kind of a little bit all over the place. And we've all got that one friend that we know in our group who's really dependable, really punctual, you know, they always show up on time for the event. And you know, you can rely on them. But then we also always know someone who's always late for everything, they're flaky, they're always involved in some drama or another. And it's the same as suppliers, we don't want the drama in our suppliers. We don't want that unreliability, that unpredictability we want good, dependable systems. And that's what premium suppliers bring, ultimately. But also premium suppliers tend to provide higher quality products as well. So actually, the physical quality of the products is better. And, and, and because of that customers love their products as well. Whereas budget suppliers often compromise on that quality to try and provide the same kind of products but for a much cheaper price. So while they might be cheaper, customers then usually end up less happy because you know, they've cut corners in the production, the quality control process, and that then reflects poorly on your brand as the retailer. It's like the difference between you know, you go to a tailor and you have a really nice bespoke suit to made for you. And it's all made to measure and it fits perfectly. And everything's like really, really nicely cut great material, great fabric, versus just going and buying one off the rack. And having no adjustments made. You know, it's it's technically it's the same thing, but the difference is very noticeable. And the customer experience in your experience of wearing it is very different. As the same with our suppliers, you know that they can be delivering ultimately the same type of product, but the experiences can be wildly different in terms of quality and support around that. The other thing to mention is that premium suppliers will often offer much better support and be easier to communicate with on the back end as well. So like at you as a retailer, and a business owner will need good clear communication with your suppliers. And that's crucial for resolving any issues that may arise, then usually not going to be dealing directly with the customers themselves. And that's fine. That's not really what the suppliers are there to do. That's where we come in as a retailer. But there'll be way better set up to help you as a retailer with any issues that do arise from your customers. And there will be issues, you know, whereas budget suppliers it's kind of they'll get the job done, get the product out, but then there might only be like one person there to support your there might not be a dedicated product support team to respond to any questions you have or you know, it might take days to get an answer back which then your customers waiting for an answer from you and You look bad, but you can't do anything because you're waiting for the supplier. So it's a little bit like the difference between the customer service of say, checking into a luxury five star hotel, and you've got concierge there when you check in, and they're always there to help you nothing's too much trouble, they're ready to go at any moment, whatever you need. versus saying a really cheap budget hotel, where there's just a receptionist is no frills, and there's no above and beyond support, it's just the basic like, technically, both are doing the same, both are delivering the experience of just sleeping. But ultimately, there's a lot of difference in that experience, and whether you'd recommend that experience to a friend or family member. And it makes a huge difference to running a business. I mean, not all supplies are created the same, just like the hotel analogy. It's like the Ritz is a hotel and a travel Lodge is what we have in the UK, which is the budget option. And you're gonna get a very different experience. And there are definitely suppliers that fall along that line as well. And the more we've got other premium end users obviously it goes without saying, but that's going to make a huge difference to how successful your business is. That's why it's so important. We've done both sides of the scale list. I know we both started with the traditional drop shipping, using Aliexpress suppliers that were over on the other side of the world. And there's no communication there, the product quality was caught was poor, the product, actually quality assurance process, we know was poor as well, because we're getting more returns. And then you contrast that with the premium suppliers that we work with today that are in the same country as our customers. So for us, we got UK suppliers working with UK customers, they can get the products to our customers within, you know, as fast as the next day, normally within three working days. And they care about the products that go out to customers. They look after us as a retailer. And so we knew we were giving great service to the customers, which you just talks about the growth that we can see as a business when you've got these type of suppliers is completely incomparable to the previous drop shipping business model that we've used before. So hopefully I've illustrated some of the the the hassles and the differences between but but why do you think there is Do you agree with the differences that we've experienced with Premier versus budget suppliers and is it really is as important that we're making it out to be? Yeah, it is, is crucial, it's the foundation of the success of your business, you know, you got to make sure that you have those premium suppliers signed, otherwise, you risk tarnishing your brand reputation before you've even started if you start out with just the cheap, you know, easy to sign but low quality suppliers because it's a low quality experience. And there are a few benefits to mention that premium suppliers bring. So firstly, right down to the actual money, they usually bring you higher profit margins because premium suppliers like you mentioned, if they're if they have high quality products, and perhaps they're a known brand, it allows you to charge higher prices, you know, and therefore increases your profit margin usually as well. It's like if you're selling I'm not saying this is a great niche necessarily, but if you're selling designer handbags, versus generic unbranded handbags, you know the the Gucci, the Louis Vuitton, that Chanel, I don't know the other brands of handbags, but I imagined those are the ones that people are gonna pay more for because they recognize the brand they know and trust the quality. And therefore the you as a retailer, you're kind of just doing the same thing, all you're doing is fulfilling an order, like forwarding an email to a supplier, it makes no difference to you whether it's a generic brand, or a reputable designer. But with the high end brand, you'll end up making a lot more profit on those as well. And the other thing to consider is the customer loyalty that comes from it as well to high quality products and reliable service lead to repeat customers. Because of positive word of mouth, you know, people are recommending it. And ultimately, that's the key to long term business growth. There's this new independent coffee shop that's just opened up near me. And they're Yeah, they charge a little bit more for a coffee than you know some of the chains do. But the experience you get when you go in there, you walk in, you can smell the coffee beans, they use really high quality like organic coffee beans, the food's incredible in there. They've got these amazing like croissants and cakes, and just really nicely done. And I I'm happy to pay a premium because firstly, I like supporting an independent business. But secondly, it just feels like you're getting more of a bespoke premium experience. You know, it's the same server in there every time. It's the same person like the guy runs the business, I believe you serve in the coffee. And because of that, I'm happy to pay a premium. I'm happy to keep going back. And I've recommended him to many of my friends and family as well. And so working with premium suppliers gives you that stable foundation for your business and it reduces some of the risks associated with partnering with poor quality suppliers and poor quality products who have unreliable shipping as well. These are the key strategies that we cover in our masterclass to help you build a stable and profitable drop shipping business the first time around So it's like you're building your house on solid ground rather than on sand. And the way that you build that house and the foundations you put in place dictates everything else. So I think really the suppliers part, as I've learned, as I've had a business for longer and longer, it's really the all round package that it does for your business. And by that, I mean, it means it makes more sales on the front end, because you've got better quality brands that more customers are interested in. And it helps you on the back end, because you can fill fulfill the orders with higher quality products, giving better service with happier customers, which ultimately leads to more customers, or the front end. And it's a nice pattern that goes round and around. Okay, let's get now down to the nitty gritty then, how can someone actually find these premium suppliers? Yeah, so finding the premium suppliers involves a few key steps. So first things first, you've got to choose your niche, you have to know what you're selling, because then that narrows down your supplier pool. So you're not just going in to try and find broad drop shipping suppliers that we've all seen those, you're if you're in the world of drop shipping, you're probably getting emails from these huge companies that are like we can serve you everything from handbags to barbecues to surfboard, like we sell the whole lot. And it's like, if you're a, you know, jack of all trades, master of none, I think is the expression, right? You're not if they're not specialist, if they're not the brand themselves, or certainly a like registered distributor for that brand, it's unlikely that they're going to be a premium supplier. So we're always looking for brands within a niche, not broad suppliers, that there might be suppliers that sell your type of products and a couple of others. And that's okay. Usually that as long as they're kind of semi related. But yeah, we're not looking for a huge universal supplier that's claims to sell everything. So to choose your niche, that's kind of week two of our program we go through on each validation process. That's a nine step criteria inside week two of the masterclass. And by the end of that, we know that we're only going to enter a niche, which the data has told us already is going to work. So we've already assessed it for the different criteria that we look at. So this involves us finding direct competitors, that's one of the criteria, and that are already operating within that niche. You know, most people think I want to find this unicorn niche that no one else is in. I completely disagree, I want to find any that other people are in successfully selling already. So that I can go in and make a unique experience for my customers and take my cut of that market, my slice my share of the pie direct competitors, when I say that, by the way that that means online only retailers like us or like you unless you have a huge warehouse. And you're going into this, which is probably unlikely. If you're thinking of dropshipping and you are an online only store, right? We want to know that there are other online only stores in that niche who don't have a physical shop or a showroom or a warehouse. Because then we know that the suppliers they're working with are more than likely to dropship. If they have a showroom or warehouse or a physical shop, then it's unlikely that, you know, it might be that that's the reason why the supplier is willing to work with them. And so if I pin all my hopes on going into that niche, and it gets to crunch time, and I have to explain to the supplier that I unlike all your other retailers, I don't have the ability to take any stock, they could just shut me down at that stage and say sorry, we can't work with you all our hard work goes to waste, we ensure that doesn't happen through the nine step criteria inside week two of the program. So once you've found your direct competitors, we're then looking for the brands that they're already working with, and therefore drop shipping with. And from there, we reach out to those brands where sometimes we'll even arrange in person meetings with those brands. I know many members of our masterclass have had great results to doing that they've been to meet them, shaking their hands, put a you know, face to the name. And whilst that's not strictly necessary, if the idea of doing that freaks you out, or you're a bit more of an introvert and you think no, I wouldn't want to be doing that. That's okay, you don't have to many of our members have succeeded and built their businesses just through phone and email contact, it is a really good way of building relationships with suppliers going and meeting them in person, they can see you trust you. And you know, you don't have to be a super experienced business person to do that. You just have to be honest and explain that you're going to bring them revenue for their business, and they'll be more than happy to work with you. As long as you already know, they're already working with other dropshipping retailers. That's the key. And then you just maintain those strong relationships. So once you've signed them, you've onboard them, you keep them happy. And then you just nurture that relationship. It's like nurturing any relationship in any part of your life, you know, the more effort that you put into it, the better the long term results will be. And it's well worth the effort because we're signing these high quality suppliers that are bringing in revenue for our business week in week out. So it makes sense to put that effort in I mean, this process was a big mindset shift for me when I started getting into dropshipping. Because initially I thought as you said, we need to look for dropshipping suppliers. And that used to be the search term that I'd use on Google to try and find suppliers. But that That's not the way to find them. There is an abundance of high quality premium suppliers in the UK and in other markets that you can dropship into like the US as well, Canada, Australia. And wherever you're listening to this, it's very likely that you have premium suppliers in the country that you are trying to sell into already, following the home turf advantage model that you teach. This is just a case of knowing where to look. And you go through that process that Lewis has just outlined, you pick your niche first, that will take you to the competitors in that niche that are already working with drop shipping suppliers. And then you find the brands that they're working with. And you contact the brand directly. We're not looking on these directory websites. We're not looking for dropshipping suppliers, we're looking to contact the brands that are already working with direct competitors. And yeah, that's that is great advice, Louis is it's allowed me to sign probably 50 suppliers at this point. And yeah, it's allowed me to obviously run my dropshipping businesses full time and, and live off the back of them. So it's such a key piece of advice that that we're sharing today. We've also gone into depth about this process as well to signing your first few suppliers in Episode 22. Of the dropship. I'm not podcast, which is a popular one, as well, because people are so keen to know the exact process to find and sign the suppliers. But yeah, that that process you've laid out there, Louis is fantastic. Finding those premium suppliers that make a huge difference for the business. So any other tips for for somebody that's starting out and trying to find those premium suppliers? Yeah, well, one good tip that I talked about meeting suppliers in person, and sometimes that can be quite laborious, because you might be driving three hours to meet a supplier. And that's like kind of three hours there three hours back as your whole day got right in a single meeting. Whilst that can be worth doing. One tip that's really helped a lot of our members in the masterclass is to just attend a trade show within your niche that allows you to go to an event, meet lots of suppliers face to face all in one place on one day, and gauge their reliability and personality and willingness to work with you firsthand. So a trade show, if you haven't been to one before, it's basically a conference centered around your niche. So all the key players will be there all the key suppliers, and probably retail as well as well will be there. So why are you not there? You know, go go and be in that room as well. It will save you a lot of running around the country, just be in that one room and you can kind of almost batch all of your supplier meetings into one day. So yeah, that's definitely a good tip to sign your first few premium suppliers. Yeah, trade shows that absolute gold does. I mean, where else do you get a roomful of the dream suppliers, that you can go to one at a time and speak to them all within the space of a few hours. And we regularly have people in the masterclass community, they say I've been to a trade show today. And I've spoken to 10 suppliers, and they've all been positive conversations that they can then follow up with and get them over the line. So we hear that regularly. They are definitely a hack. But I think the importance of finding premium suppliers is clear. I think, Louis, if you agree, it's it's all about going in with the right mindset from the start aiming for premium suppliers straightaway. And thinking about building strong relationships with the suppliers from the very start, isn't it? Yeah, exactly. investing time and finding and building those relationships with premium suppliers. That's what's going to build your long term success in this business. Obviously, there are other steps as well. But without that as a key piece of the puzzle puzzle that without, you know, involving that it all just falls apart. So yeah, always be on the lookout for new and better suppliers as well to ensure your business stays competitive. I've seen many, many members of our MasterCard grow incredible businesses simply by focusing on quality and supplier relationships. So yeah, those are really the backbone of any successful drop shipping business. Fantastic. And to wrap up this part of the episode Lewis, people want to take action immediately. They've been inspired, they know that it's possible to sign high quality suppliers that make a huge difference to your business. If you could distill it down now to anyone listening potential members that are thinking about starting drop shipping, what is the one action that they should take immediately after listening to this episode? Well, be proactive in your search, you know, the right suppliers can make all the difference in your drop shipping business. The market is always evolving. So the people who were good suppliers yesterday, it might not be the best suppliers in your industry today. So continuous learning is always key. There are always new techniques of evolving to find suppliers and we're always keeping those updated inside our program. Try and maintain strong relationships once you do sign them. You know those relationships with suppliers are going to be key and actually they'll help you form better relationships and loyalty with your customers, which gives you a competitive edge because customers don't want to refer you word of mouth nice reviews, you know all the rest of it's a positive feedback cycle. Try and prioritize quality and product and customer service as well. So it's not just about making sales with great products that is part of it. But it's also the after sale as well. It's making sure that you really give your customer a great experience and build a sustainable reputable long term business a brand reputation that you can be proud of, and that can generate you and your family and income for many years to come. So for anyone who is looking for a deeper dive into these strategies, you can combine the insights that we've gone through today with the structured approach laid out in my book, the home turf advantage, which you can access straight away at eight t a Enjoying the podcast, we'd love to hear from you leave a comment or a review, and we might just feature it on an upcoming episode. Also, for detailed show notes and resources, head to dropship Forward slash podcast. If you found value from any episode of this podcast, please take just 10 seconds to leave us a quick five star review on your podcast app of choice. It helps us more than you could imagine. And who knows, you might just hear your comments on the show. Thanks for being part of our community. Your support helps us keep delivering a new episode every week. Okay, it's time now to answer a question that we've had in from a listener. Remember, if you have a question, and you want it answered on the podcast, all you need to do is type in your question as a comment beneath the YouTube video version of this episode. So that's exactly what Alex Bennett 567 has done. So they give you a question. He's asked, I have watched loads of videos. And Lewis has told us so much already. What additional info is in the masterclass? Thanks for your question, Alex, it's, it's great to hear. And it's actually very familiar, because I hear from a lot of our members where they say I thought like I was in this holding pattern of absorbing information from all the podcast episodes, and I thought I had everything I needed already. Then they joined the program, and suddenly the execution and the action that they take supercharges their efforts. And before they know it, within six weeks, they're up and running and have a business yet they may have been listening to the podcast for a year prior to that. So there's a big difference between absorption of input of information and implementing the information. So the the podcast content is really just the tip of the iceberg. If you think that this information is good, Alex, wait until you're in the master class like that's where it gets to a completely different level. The podcast is kind of the what to do. It's the why to do it. But there's so much more to actually making this work. So that's kind of where the master class comes in the master class is the how it's the implementation, it's the full step by step approach, going into way, way more detail than the podcast ever could, you know, we'd have to be on here for hours and hours, like screenshare is taking you through it. And it's changing all the time as well. So we keep the master class up to date with what's working now. It focuses on the how to do it. So you can actually execute along with me, you'll be jumping on coaching calls, and chatting directly with James and meet. You know, we're both running seven figure ecommerce businesses. So we've got a lot of experience, but you've also got hundreds of other successful members in our community who can help you with any question you have, at any point, it makes a huge difference to just try and do it on your own and piece it together from bits and pieces. You know, even if it's this podcast, it's very difficult to do. We've got 30 plus hours of over the shoulder screenshare style tutorial. So it's like you're sitting next to me at my desk looking at my screen while I build one of these businesses with you, holding you accountable. We've got progress trackers, so you can make sure every day you're taking momentum, you're taking action, you're keeping up that momentum. And the accountability is baked into the modules as well. You know, so you've got those modules, you can watch 24 hours a day, seven days a week, anytime on demand. And you've got our six weeks step by step framework as well. So you, although you're you're going through it at your own pace, the idea of it is to get you up and running within six weeks. But although you've got the content there, and that's really helpful, and that's valuable those over the shoulder tutorials, often the members that joined tell us the most kind of the hidden gem, the bit that they didn't realize they needed until they were in there is the community, you know, and you've got access to that community for long after the six weeks as well, you can revisit that you can come back you can many of our members who have businesses up and running, and come back and ask advice. I know you were on a q&a call yesterday, and we had a member who's just hit 68,000 pounds in sales, I believe, and was asking advice about, you know doing about bringing in team members, right and that stuff might not happen until later down the line. So that's the difference. It's like bespoke tailored training to where you're at. Because you can ask the specific question you need to know you don't have to trawl through hours of podcast content to try and find the answer. So we know that no matter how good the training is, you'll always have questions. And in our experience having quick answers accurate answers to those questions will be the determining factor to whether you succeed with this business model or not. So by joining you get to condense your learning journey from years into Have a matter of weeks, six weeks to be specific, and cut out all of that expensive time consuming trial and error, as well. So that's the big difference. Hopefully that's making sense. Because once you're up and running, the business begins to take charge. And actually, the business begins to pay for the initial investment that you made into the training many times over so that the original investment is like a drop in the ocean compared to what you're then bringing in with your business every month. So if you're thinking in terms of like, maybe you've never invested in your own personal development or training before, imagine the return on investment you get by jumping into something like this and jump starting your business. It's like the secret advantage that none of your competitors have. Because you have us by your side, you have our community, hundreds of other successful business owners at your fingertips cheering you on supporting you there to answer questions to help you to hold you accountable, and to keep you moving forward as well on our twice weekly coaching calls that we host as well. So yeah, in summary, the masterclass is for those who are ready to take action. They're, they're done with absorbing content, now's the time to actually make the change in their life for the better. And they're serious about doing this. So you can check out more about if you want to read a rundown of how it all works. Head over to dropship Forward slash masterclass. Fantastic. Yeah. Thank you very much for your question, Alex. And it's great to hear that you're getting so much out of the podcast. But certainly when I went through the masterclass what really struck me was that no matter how much time you can put towards the master class, no matter how much time you you focus on the modules and what you've learned from podcast, they'll always be questions. There'll be something that pops up and you just love to have somebody look over your shoulder check what you're doing, tell you that you're you're on the right track and see keep pushing on says that tactical and emotional support that really keeps people going. And that's why we have a master class full of action takers that are making incredible things happen every day. So great question, Alex. And thanks for your answer as well, Louis, it's now time to highlight a review that we've had in for the podcast as well. So a big thank you to Tracy Leary, who has left a review on Apple podcasts. So Tracy said, outstanding podcast, very informative. And I will definitely be sharing this with aspiring entrepreneurs. I have the book, and it's so inspiring and informative. And I'm excited about this opportunity to have a chance of joining the masterclass. Well done. Thank you so much for your review. Tracy. Really glad to hear that you've been enjoying the podcast and thank you for agreeing to share it as well with other entrepreneurs. As we wrap up today, though, I've got a quick question for you. Who do you know that could benefit from hearing this episode? Grab your phone, click share and send them a link to this episode on WhatsApp with a quick message something like thought you might enjoy this. That small gesture that you could make today in five seconds could be the catalyst that changes their life for the better. Thanks for joining us on this episode of the dropship unlocked podcast. We hope you're walking away with insights and inspiration. to kickstart your ecommerce journey. Grab a copy of my book The home of turf advantage at HT A is a distilled guide based on real experience to help you build your E commerce venture. Don't forget to hit the subscribe button for more strategies and success stories. And if you like what you heard a five star review would mean the world to us and you might just get a shout out on an upcoming episode. And finally, thank you for deciding to spend your time with us today. We can't wait to bring you more insights on the next episode of the dropship unlocked podcast.