The Dropship Unlocked Podcast

The Truth About Starting A Business On Your Own (Episode 75)

Lewis Smith & James Eardley Season 1 Episode 75

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🗣In this episode of the Dropship Unlocked Podcast, hosts Lewis Smith and James Eardley delve into the realities of starting a business solo. 

They discuss the challenges, the highs and lows, and the essential strategies for succeeding on your own.

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Topics Discussed:

★ Lewis’s Personal Experience: Early days of attempting to handle everything solo, leading to numerous challenges and learning valuable lessons. The importance of learning and adapting quickly to avoid costly mistakes. Value of resources provided by Dropship Unlocked to support new entrepreneurs.

★ Major Hurdles for Solo Entrepreneurs: Overwhelm from juggling multiple roles such as CEO, marketer, and customer service rep. Managing a high volume of daily tasks and the feeling of being constantly busy. Strategies for setting clear goals and using automation tools to manage workload.

★ Managing Initial Challenges: Seeking help from mentors and experienced entrepreneurs. Joining forums and communities for shared experiences and advice. Importance of investing in courses and programs for a structured learning path.

★ The Importance of Community: Access to a wealth of knowledge and experience through community connections. Value of accountability groups for setting and achieving goals.


Links and Resources Mentioned:

Pick up a copy of Lewis’ book: 

Get Shopify for £1 a month for 3 months: 

Get a free trial with a professional phone line: 


Key Takeaways:

★ Seek Mentorship: Reach out to mentors and experienced entrepreneurs to avoid common pitfalls and gain valuable insights.

★ Leverage Community: Join communities and forums to connect with other entrepreneurs, share experiences, and stay motivated.

★ Use Automation Tools: Prioritise tasks and use automation tools to manage repetitive tasks, freeing up time for growth-focused activities.

★ Invest in Learning: Invest in courses and programs that provide a structured path and help you stay accountable and focused.



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In the early days of launching my first ecommerce store, I kind of thought that I thought there was no reason why I couldn't just do everything myself and just work it out on my own. Very excited to discuss this when I go back into our journeys. So we can give people a head start, essentially, when they do start their own businesses. The bit to remember is that you're not the first person to be walking that path. Other people have have been there before you, they can guide you through the tricky parts. But yeah, we can make this so much easier for people now if they just know what basics to focus on from the very start. highlighted that like some huge changes in your own life that have come from the decision that you made to really immerse yourself in a community platform to your Shopify store with cheap products from AliExpress. It all came crashing down for me as well. And I was just looking around, looking for people to help me and tell me okay, what's the next step that I need to take? But it wasn't there. So I think if I was talking to my former self and trying to impart a lesson to myself earlier in my entrepreneurial journey, I'd say. Welcome to the dropship unlocked Podcast. I'm Louis Smith, the founder of dropship unlocked and with me is our Client Success Coach James Eardley. Now, when we're not recording the podcast episodes, we're running our own e commerce businesses and helping aspiring entrepreneurs launch their own high ticket drop shipping businesses, keen to build your own six or even seven figure business. My book, the home turf advantage is your blueprint for launching a profitable online store. Grab your copy at HT a to date, and let's get you started. Now sit back, relax. And let's unlock your potential with the dropship unlocked podcast. So today we're going to be talking about a topic that we feel is close to our hearts. It's all about starting a business on your own. So Louis, I mean, the journey of starting a business on your own it's full of highs and lows, isn't it? Absolutely is Yeah, yeah, for sure. It says starting a business by yourself can feel like tackling a big project without a clear plan at times. And it can be tough. But whilst tough, it can also be very rewarding as well. So today, we'll talk about what it really takes and how to handle it. Perfect, very excited to discuss this one and go back into our journeys. So we can give people a Head Start essentially when they do start their own businesses. So let's break it down then for people listening and considering starting a business. What is your experience with starting a business on your own initially? Well, not great. When I first started in the early days of launching my first ecommerce store, I kind of thought that I thought there was no reason why I couldn't just do everything myself and just work it out on my own. So in the early days, I tried to piece things together, I remember spending countless hours trying to create a rather underwhelming looking Shopify store. And thinking that that was the business like that was the bit that if I can build that, you know, build it, and they shall come as they say, which we all know isn't true. And then also thinking, Okay, well, I've got a basic store now. But now I need to run some ads to get some traffic to it. So then thinking, Okay, well, I'll do that bit too. I'll build some ad campaigns. And I'll watch a couple of YouTube tutorials that are pieced it together. And trying that with my first niche that I went into, which was using the low ticket model sourcing products from AliExpress. I'm sure you've seen many YouTube videos about it, where it's a very low barrier to entry model. But I started out trying to sell these men's ties these, like neck ties. And I remember building a Shopify store, running Facebook ads to it, and then actually making some sales and then immediately realizing, oh dear, I've built something here that's it's kind of like a house of God, it's all gonna come crumbling down. Because the suppliers were pretty difficult to contact, you know, they weren't working at the same time there's a language barrier, you're dealing through like a little messaging portal, you know, you're not actually speaking to anybody. There's very low quality assurance so you don't really understand if the products are going to deliver and be in good condition when they arrive very poor profit margin on them because these are low ticket sales, long delivery times just overall a really poor customer experience and actually a poor entrepreneurial experience because as the brand owner, that's not what you want to build right if you want to build a long term, sustainable brand, that's just like opening up your inbox every morning and kind of building anxiety thinking what's going to be there this morning? What disaster is waiting for me so I definitely faced a lot of hurdles when I first started with the dropshipping and because of I think it was because of the fact that I didn't know what I was doing and I didn't know what I didn't know I every mistake that I hit was was this like huge epiphany and realization of oh okay, so don't work with suppliers like that are so don't just sell low ticket products and It did it times, if I think back to how I felt, then it felt like I was hitting a brick wall every time I ran into a problem like that. But starting on your own in business, it can feel overwhelming because you feel like you're juggling all of those roles. But huge lessons come out of those really valuable lessons emerge from what feel like hurdles and brick walls at the time. And obviously, you're wearing every hat when you start as though you're the CEO. You're the marketer. I remember feeling like one minute, I'm the customer service rep. The next minute, I'm the accountant bookkeeper. The next minute, I'm making strategic partnership decisions with suppliers like is overwhelming. So yeah, it's important to know that, while you might feel like you're on your own at the moment, you're not alone in your experiences, because there's many other business owners out there, even in the UK, who have walked the exact path for that you're walking, and they found success as well. So So I think if I was talking to my former self, and trying to impart a lesson to myself earlier in my entrepreneurial journey, I'd say, be open to learning and adapting quickly, don't hesitate to spend time understanding the basics and really getting the fundamentals down before you start diving in at the deep end and working on other aspects of the business. And it's exactly why we provide our members that dropship unlocked that kind of essential step by step path, all of the knowledge to help them navigate around the pitfalls that we fell into. And just get started, right saving them a lot of time preventing them costly mistakes along their journey. And just getting to the destination of being a business owner, or a much smoother path isn't as smooth as possible. Because when you first get started, you're right, you've got to get the basics right first. But if you don't have people around you, and if you're going out on your own, you don't know what the basics even are, you've got to try all these different things out to work out what is the fundamentals to a business. And still now with my ecommerce businesses, I still have to return back to the basics that I was taught initially in the dropship or not masterclass about, just focus on signing suppliers, adding good quality products, and optimize your ads to continue to increase the performance. But like you mentioned, as well, you don't know what you don't know, when you first get started. And the only way you can ever know that is by going in, goes straight through that steep learning curve. Or by getting around others who have been through that steep learning curve, you can impart some knowledge back to you. So for solo entrepreneurs, and as we mentioned, there'll be hurdles because we're going into an adventure we're starting a new business, or would you say would be the first major hurdle that will people will come up against when they're starting a business on their own, I think you can encapsulate this one as just overwhelm. Because there's probably a lot of things within that, that just build up to the overwhelming feeling of overwhelmed, right, you're you're just wearing all the hats, you're, you're the CEO, you're the marketer, you're the customer service rep all at once. And I remember feeling extremely overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks that were building up on my to do list and I was looking at them trying to balance it with also having a job. So doing this, like evenings, weekends, early mornings. And I'm thinking right, so I've got to respond to emails, then I need to do my bookkeeping to make sure I'm profitable, then I've got to manage my ads, make sure I'm making sales at a healthy cost per acquisition, then I've got to deal with obviously the customer support, because that's kind of the keeping the customers happy core of the business, then I've got voicemails and calls starting to build up and then I've got to speak to suppliers and make some payments. And then I've got to design my website. And there's so many things and unless you have a clear strategy for each of them, and a roadmap and templated approaches to this and the automation tools that can can actually extract you from needing to do a lot of that stuff. You just feel like you're spinning your plates. And I was just trying not to let a single plate fall. But eventually that's a recipe for overwhelm, and even burnout, as well. I used to work late into the evenings, just trying to keep up with everything. But it wasn't a particularly enjoyable experience. Even though I knew my why, why was doing it my vision, the long term to create freedom for me, my family be able to travel. At the time, it was extremely difficult. And it's like trying to cook a multi course meal in the kitchen. And it's just chaotic. You know, you've got so many dishes happening all at once, you're definitely going to burn a few dishes along the way. So for me, I found that the key for me was learn to prioritize tasks based on the impact. And then if I could try and find automation tools that would help me handle those repetitive tasks. And if I couldn't automate it, then I'd outsource it either to a bookkeeper or to a web designer or to someone who specialized in that area, that skill set that I need it and it then just helps you manage your workload and it keeps you focused on growth and actually, growing this business into something that can be life changing, rather than being caught up in the busy work is exactly why we work with our members of dropship unlocked to provide them with the right tools, the right strategies to effectively manage these tasks, but also most importantly, help them avoid burnout and overwhelm at the beginning so they can stay safe. focused and get the business up and running. Yeah, because overwhelm is, is the biggest enemy really, that's what's going to hold you back and stop you taking the critical actions that you need to take to keep things pushing forward. So it is an adventure. And that learning curve is steep when you first get started. But of course, whenever we're going for large goals like scaling a business that allows us to leave our job and, and work for ourselves, there's going to be challenges along the way to achieve something so monumental is that so it's all part of the course that we found, as I went through, and I have a similar story to yourself, Louis, I initially got started learning YouTube videos about traditional dropshipping and selling products from AliExpress. Went out on my own didn't really tell anyone about about what I was doing, just follow the YouTube course set up some Facebook ads. And yeah, found out that it wasn't as easy as it looked to get sales coming through from a Facebook ad platform to your Shopify store with cheap products from AliExpress. It all came crashing down for me as well. And I was looking around looking for people to help me and tell me, okay, what's the next step that I need to take, but it wasn't there. So you have to go through that learning curve on your own and pivot and be resilient to ensure that you carry on. But yeah, we can make this so much easier for people now if they just know what basics to focus on from the very start. So people haven't got to go through that same heartbreak that we went through when we realized that we failed our first businesses. So I think challenges are inevitable. But how did you learn to manage these challenges that you were coming up against when you first started your drop shipping business? Well, once I realized that I didn't know what I didn't know. And I hit a few of those early, what felt like brick walls. But looking back were just obstacles that became lessons, I realized, I need to make sure I'm vocal about asking for help. So I wasn't afraid to ask for help. After that point, I was humble enough to say, I, I don't have all the answers here. And reaching out to mentors. It saved me from many, many mistakes along the way. I looked for advice, I read books, I looked for experienced entrepreneurs in this area, and try to glean as many insights as I could from it by joining forums, joining communities joining courses. And it just allowed me to kind of piece together other people's experiences, and avoid a lot of the common pitfalls that other people have made, try and learn from their lessons first, rather than having to learn through your own trial and error, which can become extremely frustrating, expensive, time consuming. And so I think yeah, it was for me, it was probably investing in courses and programs that gave me firstly, it gave me a structured path because it told me like, Hey, here's the route to follow. You know, and that that alone is a game changer. So that's why we do that very, very clearly inside dropship a lot. But also, it held me accountable is something that I probably underestimated, but when you pay for something, they say people who pay pay attention, and certainly when I'd invested in myself, I thought, well, I've done this, I've paid this coach, I've joined a program, I've you know I've invested in myself, I now want to make sure I get an ROI out of that. And that actually is a secret hack. Because suddenly, you're you're so much more open to absorbing the information from within that it's like having a coach when you're learning a new sport. You know, if you're learning to play tennis or golf or something, and you know, you have a lesson and there's a coach waiting for you there, you're gonna show up, you're gonna give it your all you're thinking what I'm paying for their time here, I better absorb everything. They're saying, like a sponge. And so, of course, there will still be setbacks. You know, I, for example, a lot of my mentors weren't in the UK. And I realized I need to speak with people in the UK to make this work. And a lot of those expensive trial and error lessons that I had those early setbacks were because of a model that was very popular and established in the USA, not being quite easily translated over to the UK, and done in exactly the same way. We've obviously figured out that approach now. And we can guide you through exactly how to do that. But I think most successful entrepreneurs will tell you that their early failures, the bits that that they got stuck on that seemed at the time, like those brick walls, work for crucial to their success story overall. So I think the takeaway here is to seek out mentorship, try and become part of a community. It's why we've put together the resources inside dropship unlocked, done it to save our members time and money and just help them grow faster. Overall, we obviously offer access to experienced mentors, we've got a supportive community that helps guide our members. It holds them accountable through every single step of their journey. So we've tried to create that environment that I wish had existed when I got started in the UK. There's no doubt that you've built it in your own image in terms of what you needed when you first got started. And all of that heartbreak would have been saved. And obviously I found it at a great time. But I still went through that initial heartbreak and the initial failures before realizing that getting around people was so crucial. I like the sport analogies. I think business is like a sport where you get, you know, you get good at rising levels and you get better and you take on larger challenges as you get better and you rise up the ranks or the leagues or the levels like sport. When I started tennis, no, I had a few lessons. And but before you start tennis lessons, you are just you, okay, you get the ball over the net. But it's very, very high over the net, you can't really control it, you hit into that a few times. And then you have one or two lessons with the teacher, and they show you the correct technique. And suddenly, you're so much more effective, and you can rise at the level. It's also like we've swimming. Okay, I haven't had lessons with swimming, right. That's why I'm getting lapped by people that are 40 or 50 years older than me in the pool at the gym. Because I haven't got the technique. I've got all the energy and enthusiasm in the world. But if I know that if I had a few lessons and the technique, you can be so much more effective and efficient. And that's similar to how it is with with business, you need a few tweaks people to be around you giving you the right advice in terms of the technique that you need to apply. And suddenly, you'll be so much more effective in business as well. So loads of great advice, Louis, and speaking about not doing it alone, you mentioned community as a real great source of how you can get around people that will be able to help you. And how important do you think that community really is? Yeah, being part of a community, it just gives you access to such a wealth of knowledge and experience, especially if it's a really focused community, that there's based around the exact model and the the business type that you want to strive to achieve. So yeah, I found connecting with other entrepreneurs definitely sped up my learning and it kept me motivated. Also, accountability groups within communities are great as well, because you can kind of share your goals with other people and have them hold you accountable. And then you hold them accountable for certain goals. So that can be a really positive aspects of communities. And then I think when times get tough as well, you know, having a support network, that certainly for me was crucial during tough times, because you need that moral support, as well as the strategic support and you know, like, oh, which email platform should I use? Which landing page design should I use? You also need that, like, I'm finding it really tough at the moment, like, how, how do you guys get through it when it feels like that? So I think for me, because these networks and support communities weren't in the UK, it was it was really good. And it was really helpful. But I just thought, imagine if they were in the market that I was in, because you know, people outside the UK just often don't understand our specific market conditions, they don't have to deal with the same supplier questions, the terminology, the legalities, the distance selling regulations, GDPR stuff that VAT, you know, it's like, it just feels like a different world at times. And so it's just key to get around other people who are as in as similar position as you as possible striving for the same things so that you can learn from them, and they can learn from you. It's this great effect that happens in communities. As well, for me, networking led to many partnerships and many opportunities. Looking back now that I definitely wouldn't have found on my own many times. And I can, I can just think of several times right now where I've invested in myself in like a coaching program, or a mastermind or working with a coach. And because of that I've ended up meeting someone that then has gone on to transform a huge part of my business, whether it's like an agency that I've partnered with, or people that I have ended up working with, or just these amazing partnerships that happen. And there's something about I think when you invest in yourself, you kind of take it seriously and it opens up another aspect of your, your brain, your vision for opportunities, because you're in there, you're looking, you're hungry, you're open to it. And so being open to seeing those connections and opportunities is key because they're there. But sometimes unless we're invested in the thing we're doing, we're not really paying attention. So it's kind of by when you join one of these communities, you join a program that guides you through step by step the path for the business that you're trying to create. It's like someone's given you a map, but with the marked path on it, so you know exactly where to go. It's not like a map to the whole of ecommerce. It's like here's here's ecommerce and here's the bit you need to follow to get up and running as quickly as possible. And the bit to remember is that you're not the first person to be walking that path. Other people have have been there before you they can guide you through the tricky parts. And so regularly engaging in that community discussion, attending meetups in person, great thing to do, as well really like take that online connection to the next level and really, like get to know those people in person. It can be such a fantastic addition and it's a big reason why we include that as part of the dropship unlocked masterclass like we know that that can accelerate your growth it can help you navigate challenges more effectively. And when you join you become part of that thriving community of entrepreneurs who do meet up in person and who can provide you with the support and insights that you need to succeed? So it's really as a secret weapon. And I think a lot of people overlook it. And think because information is available out there, that's all they need. They forget all about the support network, the accountability, that motivation, the live meetups, and all of that stuff is a huge disadvantage to them, if they don't go through a community group. It really is. And I think there's two things you get out of a community. The first one is the tactical support that we're always thinking about, because that's what we think we need. But initially, we just need to be told, okay, what themes should I use? What products should I sell? What ad campaign should I create? You get that from communities. But secondly, which I think is underestimated until you realize you need it is the emotional support and being somebody a shoulder to lean on when things are difficult? And when you're perhaps lacking some motivation? You can ask people, okay, how did you get through the same feelings? I think it's a combination of both that makes it so powerful, and we get all of the insights. But the biggest thing for me as well, it just makes it a lot more enjoyable. And when we enjoy something, we're so much more likely to stay with the cause, and to stay with the process, because you're enjoying every day as you do it. And when you've got people around you, who are supporting you having fun with people that live in person event, you're so much more likely to continue on that path. And ultimately, that's where you get the biggest returns, is when you stay working on something for the long run. There was also a post recently in the masterclass Lewis that really highlights this point about community and how much time and effort it saves as answering a question from Peter, who's in the in the master class. And he was mentioning a common problem, which is trying to get shocked by the talk with clay vo trying to get accounts to talk to each other. And, you know, he asked one simple question in the community, he got one simple answer. And from that, he saved hours of going down the rabbit hole of help articles, which is where you get pushed when you need to find things out from the company themselves. So instead of an hours, it is five minutes to ask the question to somebody that's been through the exact same thing. And that's great in one instance. But think about if you do that multiple times every week, the hours that you save the headspace that you save to really scale a business because those challenges and difficult things are made so much more easy. It really compounds to be a huge, huge difference. And certainly the biggest part of my journey. And now everything that I do, or the career that I've got going now with my ecommerce stores and dropship I'm not they've all come about from the connections I've created. The first store was was built through drop shipper, not that program, the work with drop shipper, not with you, Louis has come from our connection, and the mastermind that we joined together, and how we've been able to create this partnership. And then my second store is a partnership that I found through the dropship or not community, to everything comes from people around me community and all the doors that that has opened up for me has been really, really special for me in my life. So as we wrap up today, then on this topic of starting a business on your own, and comparing that with being in a community, have you got any final thoughts that you'd like to share on making that entrepreneurial journey? A little bit less solitary? Yeah, absolutely a great point. Because you've you've highlighted there, like some huge changes in your own life that have come from the decision that you made to really immerse yourself in a community, which is such a, it's such great evidence of what we're talking about firsthand, like you are living it, which is fantastic. And i i Something another lesson that I often get from when I join a community or a mastermind or a group of trusted people that I'm in an accountability group with. Because like when I need someone, and I need some kind of support specialist or an expert in an area, I don't have to go and search the market and figure out who I can trust anymore. I just go to them and say who would you guys use for this? And when I get a trusted answer that people in our group can vouch from, or vouch for, it just makes the whole decision making process so much easier, so much faster. And I can kind of move on with my day and make that decision and know that that that company, that person is validated. They're an expert that that people are vouching for that I trust. So yeah, just another aspect of community. I thought I'd mentioned there that like it saves you from having to go down the rabbit hole looking for someone to help you with a certain thing, when there's so many recommendations in our community for experts in various areas. So my summary thoughts on community would be that just remembering that the right community not only provide you support, but it also speeds up your growth as well. Because starting your business alone, it doesn't mean that you have to stay alone through the whole process. You can reach out you can connect you can grow when you're in a community like that, just like you've done James Right. So I think for a step by step guide on how to build a business, probably the best way to do it and become part of a dedicated community is go to HT a and pick up a copy of my book, the home turf advantage. The idea of our launch pad is that it's designed to help provide you with the support and the tools and the connections that you need to really thrive in E commerce. Enjoying the podcast. We We'd love to hear from you leave a comment or a review. And we might just feature it on an upcoming episode. Also, for detailed show notes and resources, head to dropship Forward slash podcast. If you found value from any episode of this podcast, please take just 10 seconds to leave us a quick five star review on your podcast app of choice. It helps us more than you could imagine. And who knows, you might just hear your comments on the show. Thanks for being part of our community. Your support helps us keep delivering a new episode every week. Okay, it's time now to answer a question that's come in from a listener of the podcast. So thank you very much, too. Josh, who has asked his question for you, which I'll ask across to you today, Lewis. And remember, if you want your questions answered, simply leave a comment beneath the YouTube video version of the episode. And we may answer it on an upcoming episode. So Josh has asked, I recently took the leap to join the masterclass and it's fantastic. I'm in week three, enjoying every bit. And the question that I have is what is the best way to spot a middleman that is supplying a brand? Interesting. Okay. Well, firstly, thank you for your question, Josh. And great to see that you're in the masterclass community and enjoying your way working through the program and building up your business. So when it comes to finding UK dropshipping suppliers, there might be middlemen that you come across and working with a middleman and I'll explain what that means. It might not always be something that you need to avoid. So the way you've asked the question there, Josh, I'm kind of getting the impression that you're thinking if I see a middleman, I should avoid them in totality, and just not work with them. But that's not necessarily the case, as long as the margins that you get from them are healthy. So often, a middleman is like a distributor who works with the brand. So they work with the brand who manufacture the product. But this middleman kind of supply their products to retailers like us, they're more of a distribution center, they might also supply other brands as well. So by signing with one of these middlemen, you might end up actually finding like the UK distributor of several different brands, that's often the case. And sometimes the brands themselves won't sell directly, won't dropship directly to customers suit, the middle man is the route to market for us. And so they're clearly recognizable if they have a separate company from the brand themselves usually is quite clear, when you look at their website, you'll start to see that it's not actually the brand so blank. And one of the ways is you can just go straight to the top and just asked a question from the brand, you know, who should we work with directly? So yeah, I think, firstly, I would check the middle man distributor that you have found, are they offering you a 30% margin, because often, with a middleman distributor, they will take their cut of the margin, and they might try and leave you with a reduced amount. So just be very clear that you want 30% to make it work properly for your business. And then once you're happy with the margin that they're offering, you can just go ahead and work with them begin having them supply products to your customers. Remember inside the dropship unlocked masterclass, we provide you with all of the strategies to ensure you're making the most out of all of these supplier partnerships. Brilliant question, Josh. Thank you very much. And thanks, Louis for the answer. We're now going to highlight a recent review that we've had in for the podcast as well. So a massive thank you to Donna Morrison, three, double four, nine, for sharing your thoughts underneath a recent YouTube video. So Donna said, Thank you for the honesty and sincerity Louis. This really was a podcast that resonated with me. I have had a negative experience with another program, which cost 10,000 pounds in the elite group, which was gave me nothing in return long story. But I'm just getting my confidence back now. And I hope to start the program soon. Moving forward, beginning to feel like I want to join your program. Wow, thanks so much for your review. Dollar. And really Yeah, glad to hear that you've been enjoying the podcast sorry to hear you had a bad experience with a different provider. But yeah, great to hear that you want to become part of our dropship unlocked master class. Now before we go, I have a question for you that I'd really appreciate it if you could help me with. Have you left us a review yet? If not, please leave our podcast a review. Wherever you're listening to us today. It should take you about 10 seconds in total. But it does wonders for us. And it's a big part of what drives us. So if you'd like us to continue with the podcast and you haven't yet left us a review, please take a moment to do so now. And hopefully we can read out for you on the next episode. Thanks for joining us on this episode of the dropship unlocked podcast. We hope you're walking away with insights and inspiration. to kickstart your E commerce journey. Grab a copy of my book The home of turf advantage at HT A is a distilled guide based on real experience to help you build your E commerce venture. Don't forget to hit the subscribe button for more strategies and success stories. If you like what you heard a five star review would mean the world to us and you might just get a shout out on an upcoming episode. And finally, thank you for deciding to spend your time with us today. We can't wait to bring you more insights on The next episode of the dropship unwrapped podcast